Archaeologists In Northern Greece Uncovered A 2,000-Year-Old Statue Of Hercules – History Brought Alive
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Archaeologists In Northern Greece Uncovered A 2,000-Year-Old Statue Of Hercules

Philippi was one of the most important cities in ancient Greece, established shortly after its founding in 360 BC. The historic city was also an effort by the famous Roman general Marc Antony, led by his troops, that culminated in the assassination of Brutus and Cassius, the two men behind the assassination of Julius Caesar.

Now, researchers have uncovered another stunning piece of Philippi’s storied history – a giant statue of Hercules that remains largely intact 2,000 years later.

Next to an ornate Byzantine building and a large fountain, this statue once stood at the crossroads of two main streets in the center of Philippi.


PIC: Hyperallergic, All that’s interesting, Artnet news