Norse Mythology Origins. – History Brought Alive
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Norse Mythology Origins.

Every culture, religion, and area has its own version of how the cosmos came to be and how the gods were born. 

Norse mythology is no exception.

Norse mythology has its own version of the universe’s creation and is used to explain how the cosmos works.

It was developed to describe parts of life that people could not understand at the time, and the mysterious phenomena that the Vikings encountered in their daily lives were frequently assigned to deities, monsters, and fate.

Throughout history, one of the most pressing topics on everyone’s thoughts has been how the planet and humanity were formed.

Other than the supernatural, there were no explanations for the origin of the world and everything in it prior to the breakthrough of scientific findings in the twentieth century.

As a result, the Norsemen, like every other ancient society before them, had their own explanation for how the universe came to be, which featured supernatural and otherworldly powers wrapped in mythology and epic narratives.

Many parts of the formation of the cosmos from a Norse mythological perspective appear familiar and, to some extent, are shared with other mythical beliefs.

Some stories and features of the Norse creation story, on the other hand, are particularly fanciful and startling.

According to Norse mythology, the universe started with Ginnungagap, an empty vacuum of magical power. 

There was a well-known Hvergelmir in the north of Ginnungagap, which was the universe’s single water supply and flowed directly into the great world tree, Yggdrasil.

Ginnungagap’s northern part was freezing, and it was renowned as the universe’s coldest location.

While Hvergelmir’s water trickled into Yggdrasil, there was an overflow of water that was not absorbed by the world tree.

As a result, the water that was not absorbed by Yggdrasil rapidly froze and expanded in bulk.

This freezing wasteland produced the world of Niflheim.

However, the southern part of Ginnungagap was extremely hot. The excessive heat resulted in the formation of Muspelheim.

The strong heat that emanated from Muspelheim soared and made its way to Niflheim’s cold terrain.

Muspelheim’s heat forced the ice on Niflheim to melt, and water droplets from the ice began to fall down to the ground below.

When the tremendous cold and extreme heat from Niflheim and Muspelheim combined, life was born.

Water droplets from Niflheim fell to the scorching depths of Muspelheim, causing a phenomenon within Ginnungagap.

As the two climates collided, steam began to form and rise. Inside the concentrated mist, a humanoid figure emerged.

The creation of Imir began, and the first living creature and giant was formed.

However, Imir was not the only giant to be born. Another behemoth named Audoomla was also built.

Audoomla was a massive primeval cow. 

Imir was born first, but he was imprisoned in an icy prison deep under the ice walls of Niflheim. Centuries passed, yet Imir remained imprisoned.

Audoomla would suck the frost off of Imir’s skin over time, finally liberating the giant from his frozen captivity.

According to the creation story, Imir would feed on Audoomla’s milk, while Audoomla would feed on the salt that had accumulated on Niflheim’s freezing rocks.

For centuries, the universe’s only inhabitants were Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim, Imir, and Audoomla. Many years passed, and Imir and Audoomla coexisted amicably.

Where Audoomla licked, the ice formed, and the land finally became the shape of Buri, the first god of the known cosmos.

Buri was born, and as a result, the gods’ lineage was born.

Buri would have at least one more kid; however, even professionals are baffled as to how Buri conceived the child.

Regardless, Buri had a son, who went by the name Borr.

According to several versions, Buri had another child, a daughter named Bestla, who became the first goddess.

Borr would later marry Bestla. Other tales claim that Bestla was produced from Imir’s perspiration and was the first frost jotunn or giant.

Imir has children, much like Buri.

It is stated that as Imir slept, he would perspire due to the heat emitted by Muspelheim; two droplets of perspiration dropped from his arm, generating one male and female jotunn, and he created a six-headed son from his legs.

The male and female children of Imir would breed, giving rise to the next generation of frost jotnar.

Surt, a wicked flaming monster that descended down to Muspelheim, was likewise sweated out by Imir, whose heat made Surt feel welcome.

Surt would go on to dominate Muspelheim and the other fire giants who would be born in subsequent generations.

Buri’s son, Borr, married Bestla and had three boys.

Bestla’s three sons were regarded as gods, and they were named Odin, Vili, and Ve.

Centuries passed, and Imir had become the father and ruler of a frost giant army.

Imir and his army were seen as exceedingly cruel and nasty, and as a result, Bestla and Borr’s three sons plotted to remove Imir and all those who followed him.

Odin and his two brothers completed their search and killed Imir. Many scholars argue that Odin and his brothers killed Imir to utilize his body remains to build other planets; others argue that they killed Imir because he was an evil spirit in the universe.

It is told that when Odin and his brothers murdered Imir, the monster spat out so much blood that it drowned all but two of the jotnar.

Bergelmir and Imir’s wife, whose name is unknown, were the only two surviving frost jotnar. These surviving frost jotnar would repopulate the Aesir gods.

Odin, Vili, and Ve buried Imir’s body in the heart of Ginnungagap and then used the rest of Imir’s rotting flesh to build Midgard.

The brothers used Imir’s flesh as the world’s surface and his blood to create the oceans, seas, and rivers. Odin created the mountains from Imir’s bones and teeth.

The brothers created the sky by placing Imir’s skull above the new land of Midgard and using his brains to produce clouds.

Every component of Imir’s body contributed to the creation of Midgard, which eventually became home to humans and animals. 

Due to its placement in the universe, Midgard was put in the center of Yggdrasil land and is commonly referred to as Middle Earth.

Imir’s remnants were entirely exploited, and Midgard was complete; but, Odin and his brothers understood that the jotnar would seek vengeance for what had happened to their king and father, and so they identified jotnar as a danger to the Aesir and humanity.

To counteract this, Imir’s brows were used to build a defensive wall that ringed Midgard and kept this new realm secure from jotnar attacks.

Odin, Vili, and Ve were overjoyed with their new realm and decided they wanted to bring it to life by creating new people and creatures to inhabit Midgard. 

Odin and his brothers then created the first man and woman, known as Ask and Embla. 

They came to life as a consequence of being carved out of the branches of trees in Midgard by the brothers.

Odin and his brothers went on to establish six additional worlds, bringing the universe’s total number of realms to nine. 

Odin, Vili, and Ve dwelt in Asgard, and the Aesir gods’ kingdom was born.

Vili and Ve vanished and were no longer referenced as the tales developed. Nonetheless, Odin went on to become the head and king of the Aesir.

Odin wedded Frigg, the fertility, marriage, and family goddess. Odin rose to become the All-Father of the Norse universe, as well as the most powerful deity of all.

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