Explore The History of The Old Norse Religion

Hey there! As a subscriber we wish to introduce our new Audiobook “Norse Paganism for Beginners” – currently free. Let us take you back in time. When the Norse people lived in an enchanted and sacred world. A time famously shrouded in mystery, magic, and witchcraft. Norse Paganism has survived the centuries, the rise and […]

Norse Paganism for Beginners (new & free Audiobook)

Welcome, This week is a new FREE Audiobook launch, “Norse Paganism for Beginners” Discover The History, Mythology & Practices of Norse Paganism Reply now for your FREE Download Code We would appreciate your review on Audible by October 11. And here is the book on Audible USA: https://www.audible.com/pd/B0BB8D4YDQ UK: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B0BB8C7WQN Best regards, History Brought Alive […]